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How do we calculate the amount of carbon dioxide that we have diverted  from the atmosphere?


The methodology is explained in the following paragraphs:

Event Registers

Every Job or event that the group undertakes starts with an Event Register. This lists the date, location and purpose of the event together with the names of every participant and the time at which they started and finished at the event. A copy of this document is available in the section on OH&S and is also available here:






This document is also used to list the fuel consumption expended by or during the event; eg. vehicle use, pump operation etc. This consumption data is used to calculate the kg CO2 emitted by or during the event.   



Job Data Calculations & Summary Sheet


Any event that involves making biochar or collecting wood to be converted to biochar needs to be recorded with all relevant information listed on a job summary sheet.


This document is used to record the volume of char produced, the CO2 emitted by the job, and the net CO2 removed by the job. The formulae used in the calculations are listed on this sheet. The template of the Job Data Summary Sheet is available here:

Income & Expense Journals


​The Income journal is used to record the net kg CO2 diverted by each job.

The Expense journal is used to record the kg CO2 emitted by or during an event other than a job that makes biochar (eg. wood pick-up and delivery). 



Profit & Loss


The Profit & Loss statement uses the data from the income and expense journals to build a summary of the kg CO2 diverted and/or emitted during a defined period; just as a financial P/L does for $$$ earned and/or lost.

Balance Sheet


The Balance Sheet summarises the kg CO2 diverted and available for use as a voluntary carbon offset at a point in time (eg end of month).


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